The theory of definitional reflection is most conveniently framed in a
sequent-style system. If the definition of has the form
and the have the form ‘’, then the right-introduction rules for
(definitional closure) are
or, in short,
and the left-introduction rule for (definitional reflection)
If is an atom for which no definitional clause in given, then
is derivable for any — we just have to
apply definitional reflection with the empty set of
premisses. “” denotes a structural
implication for which we assume that the rules
are available. They can be obtained immediately from Gentzen’s
sequent-rules for implication.
Following Hallnäs (1991), we now consider the following
definition which consists of a single clause defining in terms
of its own negation:
Then we can derive absurdity, if the following structural principles
are at our disposal: (i) initial sequents of the form ,
(ii) the contraction of identical formulas in the antecedent and (iii)
the cut rule.
There are various strategies to deal with this phenomenon, depending
on which structural principle one wants to tackle.
(i) We may restrict initial sequents to those cases,
where there is no definitional clause for available, i.e. where
cannot be introduced by definitional closure or definitional
reflection. The rationale behind this proposal is that, if has a
definitional meaning, then should be introduced according to its
meaning and not in an unspecific way. This corresponds to the idea of
the logical sequent calculus, in which one often restricts initial
sequents to the atomic case, i.e., to the case, where no
meaning-determining right and left introduction rules are available.
If we impose this restriction on the definition of , then the
above derivation is no longer well-formed. As there is a definitional
rule for , we are not entitled to use the initial sequent . On the other hand, the initial sequent is not reducible to
any other, more elementary initial sequent which is permitted. This
way of proceeding was proposed by Kreuger (1994) and is related to
using a certain three-valued semantics for logic programming (see
Jäger and Stärk, 1998).
(ii) If we disallow contraction, the above derivation again breaks
down. This is not very surprising, as, since the work of Fitch and
Curry, it is well-known that choosing a logic without contraction
prevents many paradoxes (see the entry on
Curry’s paradox,
and the entry on
paradoxes and contemporary logic).
It would actually be sufficient to restrict contraction by forbidding
only those cases in which the two expressions being contracted have
been introduced in semantically different ways. This means the
following: In the definitional framework an expression can be
introduced either by means of an initial sequent or by
one of the two definitional principles or
. In the first case, is introduced in an
unspecific way, i.e., independent of its definition, whereas
in the second case, is introduced in a specific way,
namely according to its meaning as given by the definition of .
It can be shown that contraction is only critical (with respect to cut
elimination) if a specific occurrence of is identified with an
unspecific one. This is exactly the situation in the above derivation:
An coming from an initial sequent is contracted with an
coming from definitional reflection.
(iii) If we disallow cut, then again we are not able to derive
absurdity. In fact, it is questionable, why we should assume cut at
all. In standard logic cut is not needed as a primitive rule, since it
is admissible. We can simply read the above example as demonstrating
that the rule of cut is not admissible in the system without cut, as
there is no other rule that can generate . Instead of
discussing whether we should force cut by making it a primitive rule,
we can inversely use the admissibility or non-admissibility of cut to
be a feature by means of which we classify definitions. Certain
definitions admit cut, others do not. It is a main task of the theory
of definitional reflection to sort definitions according to whether
they render cut admissible. As stressed by Hallnäs (1991), this
is comparable to the situation in recursion theory where one considers
partial recursive functions. There the fact that a well-defined
partial recursive function is total is a behavioral feature of the
function defined and not a syntactic feature of its recursive
definition (in fact, it is undecidable in general). For example, one
sufficient condition for cut with cut formula to be admissible
is that the definition of is well-founded, i.e. every chain of
definitional successors starting with terminates. Another
condition is that the bodies of the definitional clauses for do
not contain structural implication. Giving up well-foundedness as a
definitional principle is not so strange as it might appear at first
sight. In the revision theory of truth (see the entry on
the revision theory of truth),
the investigations that have started with the works of Kripke, Gupta,
Herzberger and Belnap have shown that the exclusion of
non-wellfoundedness obstructs the view on interesting phenomena.
In a typed version, where cut takes the form of a substitution
one might consider to restrict cut locally to those cases in which it
generates a normalizable term . This can be seen as an
argument for the sequent calculus as the appropriate formal model of
deductive reasoning, since only the sequent calculus has this local
substitution rule. In natural deduction, where one would have to
restrict the application of modus ponens to non-critical cases,
substitution is built into the general framework as a global
principle. Within a natural-deduction framework, Tranchini (2016) has
proposed to consider derivations of absurdity to be
“arguments” rather than “proofs”,
understanding arguments as senses of derivations and proofs as their
denotations, so that a non-normalizable derivation of absurdity is
meaningful, but lacks a denotation. This approach, which builds on
Prawitz’s (1965, App. B) observation that the derivation of
Russell’s paradox is non-normalizable and Tennant’s (1982)
corresponding analysis of many well-known paradoxes, contributes to
the research programme to apply Frege’s semantical distinction
between sense and denotation to proofs (see Ayhan, 2021) and thus
belongs to what might be called “intensional proof-theoretic
semantics” (see section